ORNL is in the midst of a multiyear transition from the legacy 5ESS and Nortel phone systems, onto a modern Avaya phone system that supports Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) and Analog phones. VOIP phones will be used for most offices. Analog phones will be used for labs, shops, lobbies, hallways, conference rooms, etc. Nortel phones are still shown below, but whenever possible, no additional Nortel phones are to be installed. ITSD and the DOE Telecomm contractor will eventually work with the Nortel user organizations to transition all their phones off of the Nortel systems and hopefully maintain similar features.

Costs for telephones sets and phone lines are almost all covered by the IT Tech fee charged monthly to all staff and subcontractors that track their time in the ORNL Time App. Each user is allowed one office phone set and line at no charge to the user’s organization. Headsets are not covered by the IT Tech fee and will be charged to the user’s Debit Org Burden charge code. Moreover, a second phone line in a user’s office for a conference phone will be charged to the user’s Debit Org Burden charge code. Non-UTB organizations such as the Joint Institutes (JIBS, JINS, JICS) are charged for all phone sets and phone lines.